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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(4)oct. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530335


En el presente trabajo se estudia la actividad horaria de los mamíferos que habitan el área circundante a la línea transportadora de gas de Camisea que atraviesa la Reserva Comunal Machiguenga. Desde febrero del 2020 hasta enero del 2021, se realizó un registro fotográfico mediante cámaras trampa dispuestas a lo largo de la tubería de gas. Los patrones de actividad se estimaron mediante la función de densidad de Kernel. Durante el periodo de estudio, se registraron 25 especies de mamíferos. Se encontró que Dasyprocta kalinowskii y Eira barbara presentan un patrón de actividad diurno; mientras que Cuniculus paca, Tapirus terrestris, Dasypus spp. y Mazama spp. presentan un patrón predominantemente nocturno. Se sugiere que los patrones de actividad observados estarían influenciados por varios factores como la exclusión competitiva entre D. kalinowskii y C. paca, disponibilidad estacional del alimento para T. terrestris, variación de temperatura y precipitación para Dasypus spp., restricciones filogenéticas en Mazama spp., y segregación temporal con otros carnívoros para E. barbara. Se destaca la importancia de la colaboración entre las empresas del rubro energético, las comunidades nativas y las organizaciones gubernamentales.

The present study investigates the hourly activity patterns of mammals inhabiting the area surrounding the Camisea gas pipeline that crosses the Machiguenga Communal Reserve. From February 2020 to January 2021, a photographic record was conducted using camera traps placed along the gas pipeline. Activity patterns were estimated using Kernel density functions. During the study period, 25 mammal species were recorded. It was found that Dasyprocta kalinowskii and Eira barbara exhibit a diurnal activity pattern, whereas Cuniculus paca, Tapirus terrestris, Dasypus spp., and Mazama spp. display predominantly nocturnal behavior. It is suggested that observed activity patterns could be influenced by various factors such as competitive exclusion between D. kalinowskii and C. paca, seasonal food availability for T. terrestris, temperature and precipitation variations for Dasypus spp., phylogenetic constraints in Mazama spp., and temporal segregation with other carnivores for E. barbara. The significance of collaboration between energy industry companies, native communities, and governmental organizations is emphasized.

Rev Esp Enferm Dig ; 115(10): 553-558, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37114398


AIM: endoscopy identifies inflammatory activity, however, it is an unpleasant test and is not always accessible. The aim of the study was to compare the usefulness of quantitative fecal immunochemical test (FIT) versus fecal calprotectin (FC) to determine endoscopic activity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS: cross-sectional prospective observational study. The stool samples were collected within three days before starting the preparation for the colonoscopy. We used the Mayo index for ulcerative colitis (UC) and the simplified endoscopic index for Crohn's disease (CD). Mucosal healing (MH) was defined as the score 0 points in each of the endoscopic indices. RESULTS: eighty-four patients were included, 40 (47.6 %) with UC. In patients with IBD, FIT and FC showed a significant correlation with the presence of inflammatory activity/MH on endoscopy, with no statistically significant differences between the two receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Both tests improved their diagnostic performance when assessing patients with UC; the Spearman correlations between FIT and FC and endoscopic inflammatory activity were r = 0.6 (p = 0.0001) and r = 0.7 (p = 0.0001), respectively. In Crohn's disease, the diagnostic utility of both tests was lower. CONCLUSIONS: FIT is an alternative to monitor endoscopic activity among ulcerative colitis patients. In Crohn's disease, more studies are needed to determine the role of fecal biomarkers.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 20(2): 197-221, mayo-ago. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409602


Resumen (analítico) El advenimiento de la pandemia del covid-19 y el aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio, impactó en la vida cotidiana y tuvo efectos en la subjetividad de niños, niñas y adolescentes. A través de un estudio exploratorio-descriptivo de carácter cualitativo se indaga sobre la construcción de sentidos, y las emociones en torno a la pandemia y cuarentena, las experiencias escolares y las prácticas de cuidado. Participaron 68 niñas, niños y adolescentes de cuatro jurisdicciones de Argentina, entre marzo y junio de 2020. Se recolectaron narrativas orales, fotos, dibujos y videos. Relataron cómo reinventaron modos de vincularse, de jugar y habitar espacios, erigiéndose como sujetos ético-políticos capaces de cuidar y de transformar su entorno, a pesar de la profundización de situaciones de desigualdad, del miedo al contagio y pérdida de seres queridos.

Abstract (analytical) The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the preventive and compulsory social confinement established as a response by the national government of Argentina had an impact on the daily lives and subjectivities of children and adolescents. The authors carried out a qualitative exploratory-descriptive study that focused on the construction of meanings and emotions in relation to the pandemic, lockdowns, school experiences and care practices. A total of 68 children and adolescents from four different jurisdictions in Argentina participated in the study between March and June 2020. The authors collected oral narratives, photos, drawings and videos produced by the children and adolescents. The participants reinvented ways of bonding, playing and inhabiting spaces, establishing themselves as ethical-political subjects who are capable of caring and transforming the roles assigned to them by society despite worsening situations of inequality, fear of contagion and loss of loved ones.

Resumo (analítico) O advento da pandemia da Covid-19 e o isolamento social preventivo e compulsório tiveram impacto na vida diária e tiveram efeitos sobre a subjetividade de crianças e adolescentes. Através de um estudo exploratório-descritivo qualitativo, investigamos a construção de significados e emoções em torno da pandemia e quarentena, experiências escolares e práticas de cuidado. Sessenta e oito crianças e adolescentes de quatro jurisdições na Argentina participaram entre março e junho de 2020. Foram coletadas narrativas orais, fotos, desenhos e vídeos. Os participantes reinventaram formas de união, brincando e habitando espaços, estabelecendo-se como sujeitos ético-políticos capazes de cuidar e transformar seu ambiente, apesar do aprofundamento de situações de desigua0ldade, medo de contágio e perda de entes queridos.

Aislamiento Social , Cuarentena , Miedo , Pandemias , COVID-19 , Adolescente , Emociones
Rev Esp Enferm Dig ; 113(4): 240-245, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33226252


OBJECTIVE: to assess the usefulness of medical treatment to achieve closure of internal fistulas detected on abdominal ultrasound in a series of patients with fistulizing Crohn's disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS: a retrospective analysis was performed of the medical records of patients with Crohn's disease with a fistula detected on abdominal ultrasound from 2010 to 2018. The study included patients who received medical treatment after the diagnosis of this complication and underwent ultrasonographic monitoring of the therapeutic response. The factors associated with the response to medical treatment or the need for surgery were investigated. RESULTS: forty-six patients were included in the study. Enteromesenteric (69.6 %) was the most common type of fistula and associated abscesses were found in 14 (30.4 %) patients. Fistulas were classified as complex in 20 patients. Treatment with immunosuppressants was started in 14 (30.4 %) cases and a biologic drug was added in 18 (39.1 %) patients. Complete closure of the abdominal fistula was observed with ultrasonography in 24 (52.2 %) of the 46 patients. The only factor related to fistula closure was the type of fistula and was more likely to occur in patients with an enteromesenteric fistula. Thirteen (28 %) of the 46 patients needed a surgical resection. The only factor with a significant correlation with a lower need for surgery was fistula closure after treatment (8.3 % vs 50 %, p = 0.002). CONCLUSION: medical treatment achieves internal fistula closure in more than half of cases and almost a third require surgical treatment. Abdominal ultrasound can detect abdominal fistulas at an earlier stage and allow prompt treatment changes.

Enfermedad de Crohn , Fístula , Fístula Rectal , Enfermedad de Crohn/complicaciones , Enfermedad de Crohn/diagnóstico por imagen , Humanos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Resultado del Tratamiento , Ultrasonografía
Actual. nutr ; 15(4): 99-106, dic. 2014. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-771531


Considerando la importancia de la buena alimentación para la salud de los adultos mayores, la tendencia de la población de ingerir alimentos prácticos y la disminución de la ingesta por distintos motivos, sería necesario contar con productos que se ajusten a estas necesidades. Objetivos: desarrollar un producto de fácil masticación con características que respondan a las metas nutricionales para los adultos mayores. Materiales y métodos: se realizaron dos entrevistas en pro-fundidad a expertos en Gerontología y una encuesta piloto a 20 adultos mayores sobre gustos y hábitos. Con estos insu-mos, se desarrollaron dos variedades de bocaditos de sabor (carne vacuna y carne vacuna/hígado) y se realizó una prueba sensorial de aceptabilidad. Se utilizó una escala hedónica de caja de 9 puntos para evaluar los atributos: apariencia, olor, consistencia, sabor y aceptabilidad global. Participaron 72 consumidores (>60 años). Resultados: por análisis de entrevistas y de encuestas se pudo conocer que: la falta de piezas dentarias dificulta la masticación (principalmente las carnes), los nutrientes más difíciles de cubrir son el hierro y el calcio, y el 45% de encues-tados no cena. Una porción (92 g) de bocaditos de sabor, variedad carne vacuna, aporta: entre 10 y 13% del valor calóri-co total (VCT) según sexo, 15,5% de calcio, 26,5% de hierro, con una densidad calórica de 2,49 kcal/g. Ambos productos obtuvieron buenos valores de aceptabilidad. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para sabor y aceptabilidad global, siendo los bocaditos de sabor, variedad carne, los más aceptados. Conclusiones: estos productos surgen como una alternativa de fácil preparación y masticación, y como estrategia de prevención del estado de nutrición adecuado en adultos mayores.

Considering the importance of good nutrition for the elder’s health, the population trend of eating practical foods and decreased intake for different reasons, it would be necessary to have products that meet these needs. Objectives: to develop a easy-to-chew product, with characteristics meeting the nutritional goals for the elder. Materials and methods: we conducted two in-depth interviews with experts in Gerontology and one pilot survey of 20 seniors for food habits. With these inputs, two varieties of flavor bites (beef and beef/liver) were developed and a sensory acceptability test was performed. A 9-point box scale was used to evaluate appearance, odor, consistency, taste and overall acceptance. Seventy-two consumers (>60 years) participated in the survey. Results:through the analysis of interviews and surveys, it was found that the lack of teeth difficult chewing (mainly meat); more difficult nutrients to be covered are iron and calcium; 45% of respondents did not have dinner. A portion (92 g) of flavor bites, beef variety, contributes 10 and 13% of VCT according to sex, 15,5% calcium, 26,5% iron, and caloric density of 2,49 kcal/g. Both products had good acceptability values. Statistically significant differences for taste and overall acceptance were found, the flavor snacks (beef) were the most accepted. Conclusions:these products are an easy to prepare and chew alternative, and a prevention strategy to promote an adequate nutritional status in older adults.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto , Calcio , Nutricion del Anciano , Alimentos , Hierro
Rev. Fac. Farm. (Merida) ; 46(1): 51-56, ene.-jun. 2004. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-433247


En Venezuela, los niveles cnsiderados como referencia de la colinesterasa plasmática en el ganado vacuno generalmente son de distintas poblaciones; esta distinción se debe a variaciones que incluyen factores como raza, edad, sexo, condiciones clímaticas y geográficas, entre otras. Debido a esto, es recomendable establecer niveles de referencia propios de las poblaciones consideradas con riesgo de exposición a sustancias inhibidras de la colinesterasa, y obtener de esta manera los niveles basales más cercanos a la población ganadera de una región determinada. Con base a lo anterior, en este trabajo, se determinaron los niveles de referencia de la colinesterasa plasmática en dos fincas ubicadas en la Zona Sur del Lago de Maracaibo. Los resultados obtenidos, muestran un valor comprendido entre 251.77 y 459.57 U/1. Estos resultados, permitirán no solo establecer controles periódicos de los animales de esa región, sino también utilizarlos como herramienta de diagnóstico en caso de intoxicación por inhbidores de la colinesterasa

Bovinos , Animales , Bovinos , Inhibidores de la Colinesterasa , Compuestos Organofosforados , Plaguicidas , Farmacia , Venezuela